Saturday, 26 October 2013

Draft Digipak/Poster Feedback

Digipak Feedback:
The feedback which i have been given is very useful and clear to me of what is needed to achieve a better grade on both poster and digipak. Firstly the digipak was scored 6/10 which is a D grade. The feedback that i was given to improve this grade is that i will need to add a record label to the back of the digipak and add more detailed research to make it as realistic as possible. For my final digipak i shall research more into real digipak's similar to my style and genre of music and adapt it to mine which will make it as real as it can be. Also i will add suitable record labels to the back of the cover. Another piece of feedback which i have been given is to change the pattern which is on the inside cover to the front panel. This image could become so recognised by the audience that straight away seeing this image they will know the band. e.g Arctic Monkeys latest album AM artwork is so recognised the target audience all know straight away whose music it is.

Poster Feedback:
The feedback given for my poster is also very clear and easy for my to understand what i need to change for the final poster. I scored 2/10 for my poster which is an E grade. Similar to the digipak i need to apply detailed research to my poster and give evidence that this style matches my genre of music, band and will appeal to the target audience. For my final poster i shall study into real poster for my genre of music and apply this look to my poster. I will also add ratings from well known music company's like NME and Q and dates of album release dates etc.

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