Friday 30 August 2013

2) Production (filming etc)

As we had produced a story board for the video, we followed this as closely as we could filming the music video in chronological order ensuring if we didn't have the correct surroundings to match the video we would change the surrounds and improvise with what we had. Firstly we filmed the road scene in a member of the group's car. Obviously we didn't have the time, equipment and area to produce a perfect replicate of 'Trouble Town' video but we tried our hardest to make it as good of a replicate as possibly. However the equipment which we were using if what we have used in previous task so we were all confident with how to use the equipment. The camera and tripod where fairly easy to use which gave our video a professional look. Overall the filming of the video was straight forward which could be down to the simple video we chose. We will defiantly challenge ourselves more for the final A2 music video.

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